How to Make The Most With The Office Space You Have

How to Make The Most With The Office Space You Have

Maximizing a cramped or small office space requires planning to create a unique work environment you and your employees will enjoy. Use your walls to maximize your office space as well as ditching the cubicles for open space. Read this blog to guide yourself in how you can make the most out of the office space you have. Don’t let the small space cramp your style. Read on for more tips!

Walls are Your Best Friend

When you have a small office space, try using the walls as much as possible. Instead of placing something on the floor, ask yourself if you can hang it instead. Ex. Whiteboards; don’t put your whiteboards on a frame on the floor, just hang them up! Use your wall space as your idea board, hang up whiteboards or chalkboards. Use the walls to get stuff off the floor and off your desks. The more cramped your desks are, the more crowded and small your office will feel. You want to aim for a desk that has minimal objects on it to feel like you have more space to breathe. Try hanging up your picture frames and any other decor you have.

Open Office Space Layout

Ditch the cubicles and go for an open space layout, this is a must for small offices. When you have cubicles and big walls covering everyone, it makes the office feel claustrophobic. Some employees may not like the open office layout, but Furniture Solutions offers desks that are semi cubicle and semi-open. You can get desks that have a half wall in between allowing employees to feel like they still have their personal space, but it’s still open enough to where you don’t feel cramped. An open layout makes the office look more prominent and open. Consider this when you’re buying new or used furniture for your office.

Ditch the Desk Lamp

Desk lamps are tall and take up space, the less clutter you have on your desk the more spacious your office will feel. Instead of a desk lamp, think about getting lights to hang up on the wall or around your desk. Look back at the first pointer; walls are your best friend. See how you can utilize your wall to give yourself more light. Get string lights to hang up; these can act as decor as well as lamps. When you’re buying things, think about how you can get a two in one combo in your purchase. In this scenario, the wall lights will give you a cute decor as well as light for your office. This saves you space as well as money!

All in One Organizer

If you’re looking at your desk right now and you have way too many organizers, try compiling them into one organizer. Ditch the organizer you have for your pens and your books and your knick knacks and get one that compiles all three into one. This creates less clutter on your desk and organizes everything you need into one item. Less is more, and the less you have on your desk, the bigger your office will feel. Look at other things you have on your desk and think of ways you can simplify them down or maybe put into drawers instead. Having an organized office will make you feel less overwhelmed and more productive overall in your workday.

Wall Colors

The color of your walls is a huge indicator of how big or small your office will feel. If your office has dark colors painted, your space will feel a lot smaller than it is. Light colors are the way to go in creating an office space that feels big. Look at your furniture and your floor color to help you decide on what will match or contrast with your office. Wall colors not only help your office feel big or small, but they also are a huge indicator of employee productivity levels. For example, light yellow or blue are great colors to fuel productivity or help you feel calm and in control. Pick colors that go with what your profession is. Are you creative? Or do you need gentle tones to get you through the day? Get feedback from your employees as well on what colors fuel their productivity.

Lets Get Started

Make the most out of your office space with what you have. Office Furniture Plus also offers new and used office desks to help you create an open office space. With lots of varieties and colors, you are bound to find a desk layout you are looking for. With open office space, an organized desk and wall colors that speak to you, you will transform your office from tiny to massive with the simple tips above. Consult with an employee from Office Furniture Plus to get you a working space you and your employees need.

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